Always a Veron ♥

♥ LO.Ve.ron ♥

Thursday, April 16, 2009

How lame ==

SORRY~my chinese star broke down so cannot use.

next time baru i use ~ ^^

siens~till now i still dont know how to use blogspot

lame arhhh...!!!

damn siens d..that bian dont want teach me d leh

kakak her~!

she only helps d red gang nia, n i m not included~hais

bobian lah..i dont have that kind of life..=.=

even help me change background also didnt have

call her help me make blogspot also didnt make..really is kiamsiap d ~!

lol.i now more clever le

all the english d things all call them to do

otherwise they all very rely on me

everything i do nia

the rest all kiao ka

make me so tired and feel like changing group ~zzz

i hope i was one of the red gang
so hope..but things are fixed already.
i cant change anything ~
i hate my life...><

>>>> veron.




At April 16, 2009 at 1:46 AM , Blogger Vivian Melody said...

u din giv me pw..hw change~~

At April 16, 2009 at 1:51 AM , Blogger Veron ♥ said...

baru post sekejap u jiu send comments jor..
u wan barley mah?


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