Always a Veron ♥

♥ LO.Ve.ron ♥

Friday, April 17, 2009

Bla Bla Blas ...

I dont feel good today
All because of Lim Yee
Idiot her...
She is the one who makes people's life miserable~

She expect a normal human being to have great memories
People can forget things.
I dont trust that she can remember everything in her stupid brain..
What for?
To scold students~
She is just ADDING-ON more railway on her face
What a stupid act.

Maybe that is why she hasnt get married or even has a boyfriend
GOD~She is already so old!
Maybe triple my age..huh~

I have change my point of view towards Ivy
She seems to be more reasonable recently
She dont even scold me when I fell asleep during her class
That's call a SURPRISE!

On the other hand, I hate to attend Mdm.Goh's Biology class
Her teaching is getting more tiring
Or I should say, BORING~
Some rumors say that a few days in a month she's like that
Which means, her aunt visiting time

You know what?
I just heard something damn HOT!
It's about a girl.

I wouldn't tell it here.
Anybody who wants to know,
Ask me in Private.

After you know,
There probably will have 2 types of different expressions
Maybe some people have heard about it before
And some may have not.

I wanted to say SORRY to my dearest soulbabe, Jacy~
I am so sorry for my false action to spread it all over the school
I really hope you can just dont angry me
And forgive me.


Gotta sleep.



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