Always a Veron ♥

♥ LO.Ve.ron ♥

Saturday, September 19, 2009

1909 : We’re Jay Fans!

Not really actually.
We just force ourselves to by-hard all of his songs, that’s all
Including all those lousy and freaky songs. Yuck !!
But never mind for now ‘coz we’ve won the game!
Yeah, beat all 12 other groups and got the 1st .
My group members made up of Yang, Tok & me
Yup, only 3 of us

1st , we are all asked to do 80 questions based on Jay.
2nd , the teachers announce the top 4 group that made into the finals
3rd , we were asked orally things that are related to Jay , such as his songs, his mum, …
4th, proceed to the 2nd round, fight-to-answer type of questions. Total of 26 questions.
Our group got 150 marks out of 240 in the 1st round
Then, we got 91 marks for the 2nd round.

Nice, beating Arang Road ( 83 marks ), Pending ( 66 marks ) & Stampin ( 78 marks ).
At first I thought I wouldn’t made it into the finals,
‘coz I only knew 17 songs out of 110+ songs.
How cool !

First of all, I wanted to thank my group members, Yang & Tok, for performing well.
Secondly, I wanted to thank Sista for sending me here & there and spending the whole nite at home, helping me with my songs.
Next, I wanted to thank another group, Pui, Bian & Kiam, for providing us with some wrong & some correct answers.
Then, I wanted to thank YouDa for the drinks.
Lastly, I wanted to thank Dad & Mum for ur courage and allowing me not to attend tuition class the nite before.

Thanks to all of u. Love,Muacks!

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