Always a Veron ♥

♥ LO.Ve.ron ♥

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

National Day Assembly

05:32 p.m. , 11 August 2009

Hi guys.

Nothing happened recently.
Just bout the Mongolian + China gal
Don't want to mention her !

Nvrmind, we celebrate National Day today
We are super duper HIGH
But not as High as last year
We went looking for Ian, to sit behind him and shout !
Haha.. But we sit behind 4T
Behind Siew, Gwen & Joann
Susan sit beside me. A tall gal..Huh ~
We sang a lot og Songs
Eg : Jalur Gemilang, Keranamu M'sia ...

Gotta mention bout that Keranamu M'sia
The song stuck half-way and there is no music anymore
But we ( Dao, Bian, Susan, Bb ana, Me) continue singing without the music
Whole Dewan is filled with our sound
Damn embarrassing !!
The whole school's student 'BOO' at us..
Damn shitz, we laugh like what !
Haha.. I love friends that love doing embarrass things with me.

The assembly is just too short
Not enough la
Next time put it longer!!


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