Always a Veron ♥

♥ LO.Ve.ron ♥

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hi Books.

07:58 p.m. , 08 August 2009

Heiyo books !!
We've met again..
How are ya?
Can u get a lil more easier?

Oh hell, what did I wrote there?
I'm talking to myself?
Maybe I've bcome mad after memorising all those scientific terms
REAL mad !

I've spend almost 1hour and I just finish subtitle, Balanced Diet.
Shit !
It's so damn hard to by-hard all of those vitamins and their functions as well as symptoms of deficiency
Next up is Minerals, then Malnutrition.
This stuff is giving me headache.
That's why I online for awhile & write something on my blog

I always start my revision with Bio
bcoz it's easier if compared to other subjs like Physics, Chem &
But look, I even need such much time for Bio,
What's gonna happen to my other subjs?
Arggg..Books are killing me!!

Wish me luck, guys.
I've to finish bio Chapter5 + 6 by Monday.
that's my target
Phew..Hope it works ~

Shit ya..
tmr morn I'm havin' Chinese tuition
I will be solo with Tung
Hope he wouldn't give me weird look
& coll expression.
NO cold jokes, plz.




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