Always a Veron ♥

♥ LO.Ve.ron ♥

Friday, July 17, 2009

the Tarot

2300 - 17072009

Yo.. blogging time again

I went to The Tarot cafe with Bian today
the food there were so delicious
and those drinks!! yummm..

we took a lot of pictures there
as it is such a special and nice place to dine in
It makes me feel so comfortable!!

At 1st, we ordered our drinks :
The sun

'cikk cakk' : The sun

'cikk cakk' : Death

Then, we ordered our meal.
I ordered a bowl of Original Kimchi Ramen
It taste so nice!!!
Bian ordered french fries and a plate of black pepper with rice
A lot of onions in that dish~

then we look through the menu again
look and look and look ...
something caught our eyes;
it's fruit that is served in sphere shape. COOL
then we orderd one of that

'cikk cakk' : Veron with Kimchi Ramen

'cikk cakk' : Bian with black pepper rice and french fries

'cikk cakk' : this is the special fruit

then, a couple i think (Bian says they are not couple)
came in and sat just somewhere behind me
that guy,don't know who,always peek at us
such weird!!
we just eat our stuff and don't care so much about him
his girlfriend is so pretty with pretty body outline ~

I don't know why,we started that topic again
I called Niu and he answered
I asked and asked and asked bout those 3 similar ques
I think i made him mad!!
he's gotta commit suicide..whoo ~
I was so scared that he is angry
so i decided to call him after tuition
when i called him,he just picked up the phone and hung it
what lah? I hate people hung up my phone..impolite!!

cikk cakk : The sun, watermelon ball & Death

Ciaoz,Love life!



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