Always a Veron ♥

♥ LO.Ve.ron ♥

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I don't care.

1316 - 08052009

Who cares what you say bout me?
"passer by" & "~~~"
Do I know you??? lol
even though I know,I wish not to know~

Maybe my photos really sucks.
But thats up to me.
I want to post it means I want to.
there is no need for you to say anything. you really know me? do you know that my mouth is big? are so wrong~my mouth is not big!
well,how do you know people dont wanna touch me?
you see me before?
I think you are damn families and friends are people also you know?
they do touch me.
I think you dont know the playboy.
maybe,I mean probably,you misunderstood the playboy thing
the playboy I wrote has a name which starts with a letter 'J'
who is the playboy you think i am saying?
I wrote it very un-clearly so you think i am saying your friend huh?
the playboy I meant is really very play.
maybe its also my fault..for not saying it clearer~!!

well,If you continue,I also have no other things to say
I will just treat it like a dog barking in front of my house
who cares about a mad dog barking his/her way?
why bother..yucks.
Many things are out of my control
mouth is yours,hand is yours
you like to say or type it,its up to you
Its not like i will loss a piece of flesh or what..zz
Sorry if i am over straight forward.

thanks for viewing.



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