Always a Veron ♥

♥ LO.Ve.ron ♥

Monday, April 27, 2009

Glad to hear that .

1427 - 27042009

Its good to hear that you are fine.
I thought you will be very hurt
but you are really Strong~
Whats the use of crying over a Damn guy?
Although I dont agree much on 'their' relationship!
That girl sucks!!!

I have been hearing too much about that disgusting girl!
She is so Damn cheap~
YUCKS.I can hardly believe my ears.
I dont even thinks that she looks pretty.
What is that call if a girl spend a guys money and dont even have feelings towards him?

Its enough on this topic.
I dont wanna mention more on this girl.


That fat guy isnt in school today
I think he cant wake up~^^
well,he is kinda lazy if school is mentioned.

Kinda quiet and not used to when he is not in school
QUIET! haha..see how noisy you are!
But we are still quite noisy without you
we are so call "forever noisy team!" haha

Ah don hurt his knee and elbow while riding on a bicycle.
thats what happen when a huge boy sits on a baby bike~
hahaha..he cant even walk properly or sit properly.
he sure will hurt himself if he bends his knee!
Lol ; its call 'huo gai'

I have made a new friend in school today.
Ms.Ivy Ho Jia Min.

Thanks for viewing.



At April 27, 2009 at 10:34 PM , Anonymous Lynny said...

ur scarf. i got too. mine is red de. =)

At April 30, 2009 at 3:23 PM , Anonymous Veron said...

icic~mine is pinky pinky pink.haha

At April 30, 2009 at 6:26 PM , Anonymous Lynny said...

lol dun like pink ler. mayb not suit me gua hahaha i like red!


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