Always a Veron ♥

♥ LO.Ve.ron ♥

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Unbelievable .

2115 - 24042009

I could never ever believe my ears!!
Dear, are you joking?
Its kinda hard to believe it..
but I have to..there is no other choice.

He is a playboy; put it in that way.
Never ever believe a Playboy!
Btw..I know that you will not accept him
Keep running away from him,Escape!
do not pick up his call nor reply his msg.
just do like what I did to that Horrible guy
If he really dare to bully you or force you
Please bare in mind,I will always be there for you!
Thats what babes are for!! yeah.
He is a SHIT!!!

Maybe he is joking
Who knows?
He dont even really know you,
neither do you do.
He really SUCKS!
never believe in someone like him.
I just dont want you to get hurt.


I dont know what to do.
I heard about one more unbelievable stuff.
Its also about you,Babe.
I am not sure whether I should tell you or not
Maybe I will put it aside at the meantime
your lil body could never sustain so much
that one on top there is tooo much as a secret
this one may be another big one for you to know
I might tell you after you recover from that shock
Please be Patient!!

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