Always a Veron ♥

♥ LO.Ve.ron ♥

Thursday, April 23, 2009


1304 - 20042009

Haha..I bring mobile to school.
Bad girl~I am afraid being caught!

I look damn ugly in uniform.
Damn jealous people that are pretty.

Tell you guys something.
I dont really understand why weird people always appear in my life
I met one last year and one recently.
They make my life miserable! yucks
Both of them ask me the same question everytime.
And these ques often make me go nuts!!
But friends are still friends.
If their ques are not too over then its nvm.

All their ques are about

They met prob with their love ones
And start seeking my help
Oh GOD..

I hate being the middle people.
I am afraid that they will be sad if I speak out what I think
I scare that they will be hurt by their loves if I didnt tell them
Only now I know that its hard to be a human being!
I gotta quit this job..haha


To deary Lian,

Thanks for viewing.



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