Always a Veron ♥

♥ LO.Ve.ron ♥

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pity him

1443 - 30042009

Please ignore the date and time on top of my articles
I dont know how to adjust it, so just let it be.

14 43 - 30 04 2009

hh mm - DD MM YY

I wrote it in this order

Many stuff happened recently.
Two Girls and A Guy~

I pity the guy that love one of the girls
He loved her so much that all her things from top to toe was bought by him.
He spend time,money & energy on her
He almost neglect his studies!!
God..If you are kind,please help him.

He bought a handphone for her and she dont appreciate him
He paid for all her newly bought garments but she dont appreciate him
He bought a box of colourful Ferrero Rocher for her & she dont appreciate him
her birthday is almost here and he learn cake making to make a cake for her but she dont appreciate him!
He does so many things for her and she dont even look seriously at her! Darn*
Hate this kind of girl most!!!

That day San and Yee ask her whether she and Him already couples or not
she shook her head and say she dont know..
Gosh~Many people knew they are together kay.
I really dont know what she thinks!

thanks for reading.



At April 30, 2009 at 6:49 PM , Blogger ♥ordinary girls♥ said...

trying to kek innocent. lol but she doesnt

At April 30, 2009 at 11:03 PM , Anonymous veron said...

yaya~she is cruel.......zz
many girls dun like her eh

At April 30, 2009 at 11:13 PM , Blogger ♥ordinary girls♥ said...

hiao cha bo. lol


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