Always a Veron ♥

♥ LO.Ve.ron ♥

Friday, May 1, 2009

Forget & forgive .

2128 - 01052009

Today's Labour Day
Happy Labour Day to all labours & bosses too.haha
That weak lil Kiam don't know what the hell is Labour.
Chee send "Happy Labour's Day" to many friends and Kiam is included
She send back:"What is Labour?"
This particullar msg makes us Laugh Hard!

I dont know what acctually happened to me recently.
I feel dizzy when I saw rice
I have to pretend I am eating it and vomit it out
I think I am addicted on diet.
I don't dare to tell my parents bout it
they will force me to see the doc and go for medical checkup
I hate going to the hospital!!

My weight keep on decreasing
About a few kilos in a week..
I am getting weaker and weaker and weaker
I also catch cold very easily this few weeks
I am so damn tired!!
I feel like committing
*Its just a joke ; never treat it real*

I am not so lonely anymore.
At least I have a mobile
And I have friends to chat through SMS
Love ya all!!

Please,I learnt to forget & forgive
*which I learn from Lynny*
Never do that to me again,kay?
Love babes.

Thanks for viewing.



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