Always a Veron ♥

♥ LO.Ve.ron ♥

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy birthday , Min & Pui & Kiam

1442 - 08052009

wow..1st time I celebrate 3 birthdays at a time
A very big birthday to you all..

Min & Pui & Kiam
"Happy birthday to Min
Happy birthday to Pui

Happy birthday to Ki-am

Happy bithday to you all."

sang by veron.
I ordered a chocolate cake with chocolate filling and fruits on top.

The cake:

It looks nice right..
It taste good and not very sweet

We fight for the strwberries! yeah
I love the strawberries
thanks to Mayflower for producing such nice cake

Lets look at the condition in the class at that time:

Look! my table is so dirty..zz

we tidy the class b'coz the floor and everywhere is blanketed with fresh cream
Lol...Its very hot at that time!!

How about looking at the Birthday boy:

He was tidying his hair at that time..
I could not take pictures of Kiam..
She always run away or cover her

This is kiam and bian

this picture was took after doing the Kiam Exercise..

Thats all.



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