Always a Veron ♥

♥ LO.Ve.ron ♥

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Trying to keep my smile !

Baobeii Yee, Veron & San San

1817 - 23072009

I'm trying my very best,
To SMILE, always
I've found out that I have no way to produce a real smile that looks nice on my face
They are all fake ones

I'm tired.
And I never thought I'll face this kinda prob someday
And I finally faced it now.
It was, like, unbelievable !
The final result is not out yet
So I can't confirm anything with anyone
My parents are worried SICK !!
So as my sis...& ME

Hey, remember?
The ques that I asked that day in school?
About visiting when I'm sick?
Honestly, I don't want u guys to know anything
It's just a "ask-for-fun" ques; Lol
Please don't think too much

Please don't ask me what prob I've met
Just leave it
It's my diary though, and I just wrote it b'coz I feel like writing.

Well, that's all for today ~
Ciaoz, love life



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