Always a Veron ♥

♥ LO.Ve.ron ♥

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Show us who u really are

1742 - 21072009

Please show us who u really are
We hope to see the real u!

U always sit in an impolite way
And u speaks like a buffalo.
Do u need a pin? said Dao, today
U better tie up your hair ~
U don't look like a gal who has been bullied
Bluffing, rite?
Hey, you know, Bibiyan said that she felt like having a fight wf u
Wanna know w-h-y?
U said u couldn't clean the blackboard and yet u can join in the run !!
Holly smoke ! Plan before telling lies, kay?

I don't really care bout ur stuff
I don't even know u exist!


Lol..I'm so happy today
Although sth bad had happened.

Kiam & I were caught by Pn.Wong between Mx and BI period,
at the canteen.
Why ?
Why ?
Why ?

We went there to buy drinks
Kiam bought a tin of chrysanthemum & I bought 2 bottle of 7up,
[ 1 for me & 1 for Bian ]
So soi!!! She wrote down our name and will give us punishment asap!
well,I also know that buying drinks before recess is not allowed
But it's fun. Haha
I am Nuts already.
When Pn.Wong call us,I turned around and smiled to her
When she is talking,I laugh. CRAZY ~

In the end, 3 of us got our punishment.
* Do our Maths homework 3 times.
Haha...I thought we will wash the toilet or sweep the floor.
Cheh ~ !!!

Byes,Love life



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