Always a Veron ♥

♥ LO.Ve.ron ♥

Monday, September 21, 2009

20/2109 : Family trip to Damai

It’s not really fun to go to Damai with family.
Urg, not at all!

It’s damn boring & we can’t just act a bit more open.
U know, parents sometimes have those worry-minded kind of thinking
Play till I’m totally crazy is completely not allowed.
Well,u wanna know how do I let of my crazy illness then?

I watched TV till midnite 3am, MALAY MOVIES!
Whoa, first in a lifetime.
Gosh,I’m really going chookoo!
Then, I went to use the computer in the lobby.
RM12 per hour. BULLSHIT!
What kind of line and still charge me so much.

Well, don’t mind that.
I chase the wave and jump over it so that I don’t step on it.
People around me looked at me with that ‘is she nuts’ kinda look on their face.
Sista says so too..

I want to go to Damai on the 24-26 Sept with Bian them
Y on earth does Dad doesn’t allow?
I really want to go!

Oh plzz

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