Always a Veron ♥

♥ LO.Ve.ron ♥

Saturday, September 26, 2009

2609 : a Surprise

It's a secret between me & Luna.
Will give that surprise to Sis; Lol
She will be very surprise then.

it is a birthday party surprise actually.
well, Sis's actual birthday is on 3009,
but she's back to KL by then.
So we planned a Advanced Birthday party.
It's just a tiny, tiny party

Adrian attend,
Fadli & also Aaron
Luna, for sure, and me.
Annoying Bro joined too. Bahh~

An Advanced birthday wish from me.



At October 4, 2009 at 1:46 AM , Anonymous Vanessa said...

Thanks guys. It was a simple but super nice birthday thingy. Gonna miss ya, sis. Must take care, be sure not to get any diarrhoea kinda thing again. +oil +oil for ya exams. I cant be there to help, so you'll have to depend on yourself.gambate!


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